
Put it in your Calendar!    Tahiti Beach Party M242 NA’s!

Hi everyone, 

We’d like to see at least 30 boats on the line on the August 23/24 weekend next year for the North American Championships in Vancouver.
 The Friday afternoon will be a practice race. 

The event will be jointly run by Royal Vancouver Yacht Club and Kits Yacht Club, and Chaired by Adrienne Mennell, and assisted by Michael Clements and others. Dugald Smith from Victoria will be the PRO: he has run the Cow Bay Regatta for our Class the last 2 years and is an experienced Star racer with a fair amount of regattas in Vancouver under his belt, so he's used to the winds and currents we deal with locally. 

We will have space for motherships at RVYC, and we’ll also work on making loaner/charter boats available for out-of-town folks.  

At some point we'll be in contact with everyone re being able to Billet one or two people from out of town each, so if this is of interest please reach out to Adrienne or Michael Clements now.  We will also try to line up boats for folks to stay on in the RVYC Marina.
 More details will be forthcoming in the next few months, but we wanted everyone (and their crew) to put a hold on their Calendars now for late August rather than booking other activities. 

We look forward to seeing you there! 

Adrienne Mennell email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.