
SOLD - #257 White Noise

Victoria, BC - Sold on June 27th, 2024 (via private transaction): White Noise (hull #257) - Marri Todd sold the boat to partners, David and Deb Tolman and Richard Mundell and Sarah Turpie; all in Victoria. With a white hull, White Noise is in good condition and comes with a mostly-completed 2016 Measurement Certificate. Their plan is to ensure the boat is race ready while also prepping it to be kept in the water at RVicYC. The 6th boat of 2024 to change hands and the 72nd in 7.5 years, this brings the active fleet of 242s at RVicYC to 7 (including Ken Holland), along with two more club boats available for those wanting to partake! 


Dave and Deb were active in 242s with boat #81 ‘Amore Eel’ from 1995 to 2001. They moved over to the Melges 24 class owning #293 Psyclone which is where Richard and Sarah joined as partners in 2018. All 4 of them are long-time sailors in the region. Rich continues to race 505's internationally with and against fellow 242 members, Reto Corfu, Phil Cragg, and Peter Grimm. Sarah is a Canadian team alumni having sailed 470s extensively during the 1992 and 1996 quadrennials.

They plan to be on the 2024 NA's start line in Cowichan Bay on the August long weekend with Rich, Sarah, Paul Mais, and their daughter Samantha all on board. Unfortunately, Dave and Deb are not able to attend this first event but they are looking forward to future racing.

Welcome to the Regional Fleet, Dave, Deb, Sarah, and Rich!!