Welcome to the Canadian Fleet - Brent Hughes, Alexandra Cox, and Family

On November 12th, the 12th boat of 2020 changed hands: John Chittley of Ashbridge’s Bay Yacht Club in Toronto, Ontario, sold Fast Lane Fever, #67, to Brent Hughes and Alexandra Cox, both members of Frenchman’s Bay YC in Pickering Ontario, and Trident YC in Gananoque, Ontario. They trailered her home on Saturday November 14 for a winter fluff and buff in their winter warehouse in Pickering.
Brent and Alexandra have both been avid sailors and racers their entire lives, growing up sailing only 8nm apart on Lake Ontario, but not meeting until well into their 40’s!
Between them they have owned over 10 boats throughout their lives including a 1974 C&C 35 Mark 2, which Brent has owned for 17 seasons now.
The C&C35 is now kept and cruised out of Trident YC in Gananoque, but they’d been looking for a fast, fun and affordable pocket racer to keep them active during the week at Frenchman’s Bay Yacht Club. They’ve owned a Kirby 25, a J24, and a J27, among other boats, and both of them have sailed against Martin 242’s throughout their lives, so they were THRILLED to find Fast Lane for sale on Wednesday night (Nov 11), only 25 km from home!
In only 2 days the boat was seen, purchased, untarped, and emptied out of all gear. The trailer was serviced in the yard first thing Saturday morning (Nov 14) and FLF was moved to their business in Pickering and tucked away, all in less than 48 hours.
Brent and Alex are looking forward to getting their Fast Lane Family of three teenagers up to speed over the winter, reading up on as much M242 information as they can on the M242 PNW Regional website. "Launch Day can’t come soon enough", says Brent, and he's “looking forward to 2021!!!!”
The boat was listed for CDN$9,500, and with a grey hull it is in very good condition and needs a 2016-version Measurement Certificate. The entire deck was redone in 2013 along with new windows, and new cabin cushions were made in 2018. The boat came with:
- 1 Mainsail – 2011 including Mainsail Cover
- 2 Jibs – 2011 & 2005 including Jib Cover
- 2 Spinnakers (one was a 2002)
- Custom Cradle Ride Trailer with very little road travel
- New motor mount in 2019 and 5hp Mariner Sailmate outboard
- RayMarine Digital Compass & Knotmeter

Welcome to the Canadian Fleet, Brent & Alexandra, and enjoy your first 242!