Martin 242 Fleet One or Fleet Two
Member/Boat Registration for 2025 Season
Option 1. e-transfer:
1. Send an e-transfer to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for the personal membership and/or boat registration you are applying for.
2. Please also send an email with your name, phone number, boat number & name if you are registering a boat, and what Fleet you are joining: 1 or 2 so we know how to allocate your payment.
Option 2. snail mail:
Please download and complete this Membership Form and return the completed form as noted on the form.
Option 3. Pay Pal:
Please complete the form below and pay online through PayPal. (PayPal accepts credit card payments; you do not have to have a PayPal account).¹
Please note the first query is a drop-down form with the three options: Boat+Skipper, Member only, or Boat only. You can only choose one. Similarly, choose either Fleet 1 or Fleet 2. Include the Skipper's name if you are registering for boat and skipper, otherwise just the boat's or your name.
A Skipper (or Team) and boat are registered together so that the boat's Sail Registry is linked to a particular person (or Team).
I/We wish to renew/apply for membership in the MARTIN 242 FLEET ONE or FLEET TWO ASSOCIATION for the year. I/We understand that in order to be scored in a Fleet Championship Event (as defined on the official Calendar) a competing boat must be registered by June 1st and have a Member on board when racing.
¹ Except making a secure payment with your credit or debit card via the third-party payment processor (PayPal), this form is not designed to collect confidential or sensitive personal information (e.g., financial information, social security numbers).