Martin 242 History!
Did you know the M242 fleet used to publish a periodic newsletter for its members? Thanks to some hard work by Adrienne Mennell a whole bunch of these old newsletters were recently scanned into digital form and are now archived safely in the cloud for all to view.
If you have a few hours (days? weeks?) to kill you can peruse all the old articles HERE. Definitely some hidden gems!

thanks Adrienne!
New Rules
As most of you are aware, The Racing Rules of Sailing are updated after each Olympics. World Sailing have published these new rules and we will be sailing under these new rules starting this season!

For anyone that wants to understand the changes here are some links:
RRS 2025-2028 can be found here:
The new rulebook
A list of changes and corrections.
Most useful, Dave Perry's explanation of the significant changes:
2025 NA Promo

Official Notice of Race and Sailing Instructions to come.
Fleet One Association Article Count: 1
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