The M242 Fleet One Fleet Captains dinner was held on October 18 at RVYC and it was a great success! During this awards ceremony we recognized exceptional sailing talent, skills improvement, best helmswoman, and volunteer contributions, among others, and shared anecdotes from some of the season's highlights. The M242 Fleet One Fleet Captains dinner was held on October 18 at RVYC and it was a great success! During this awards ceremony we recognized exceptional sailing talent, skills improvement, best helmswoman, and volunteer contributions, among others, and shared anecdotes from some of the season's highlights. Trophies were issued to the winners including beautiful M242 duffle bags hand-made by Matt Alexander from a M242 jib!

Thanks to our generous sponsors we had raffle prizes throughout the evening, including a grand prize, inflatable SUP from Rekord Marine/Victory Products. A big thank you to our sponsors, Rekord Marine/Victory products, Martin Marine, Protech Yacht Services, Dometic Outdoor, Capilano Rock & Gem, Ullman Sails, and contributions from fleet members. We look forward to seeing everyone out racing next season!